Summer Kitchen Supplies | About Us
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About Us

The summer kitchen supplies were started in a suburban garage in 2003 by Rihana Jonas. It has the largest collection of kitchen appliances to enhance and complement the decor of your Kitchen. Great cooking starts with the right kitchen supplies. Both professional chefs and passionate amateurs look to Cook’s Direct for the best in cookware and commercial cooking supplies. Serving great meals and snacks is now easy with products from our selection of high-quality kitchen supplies. You are sure to find the right commercial kitchen pots and pans, mixing bowls, prep utensils, and other kitchen utensils from our extensive selection of brands like Vollrath, Polar Ware, American Metalcraft and others. We also feature a wide range of commercial baking pans, thermometers and other baking supplies to help meet all your operation’s baking needsWe now also form a part of Lifetime Brands inc., a leading global provider of kitchenware, tableware and other products used in the Kitchen. Working as part of a global organization gives you the reassurance we have the resources to deliver cutting-edge products at exactly the right time.